Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Quick and Easy Yogurt Parfait

Don't have time to make an extensive breakfast in the morning, but still want something to fill you up and not be coated in sugar? My trusty Yogurt parfait will always come to the rescue. What I like about this is that you can dress it up by putting it in some nice stemware and make it a nice side to a brunch with the family.

You'll need:
Yogurt (whatever flavor you want, I use strawberry)
Fresh sliced fruit (kiwis, strawberries, bananas, peaches, etc.)

 Start off by putting some yogurt in the bottom of your dish/ container, and then layer with your sliced fruit

Layer granola on top of the sliced fruit, and then create another layer of the same on top.

Garnish with a fruit wedge if you're serving this at a formal brunch, and you've got a simple, eye-catching, and palate-pleasing side!

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